Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The need, the need for speed

Thought last night at home I'd run a test of my dial-up of downloading a 1mb file off the net. As part of the test, to get an accurate speed reading, I used TCP real time viewing program to make sure that no other programs where trying to use the dial-up bandwidth at the same time I ran the download speed test.

The results where shocking - 1mb took a staggering 45mins and a few secs to download. I did the test twice and I can confirm it was around the 45 min mark on both occasions.

No wonder website pages take ages to load up! No wonder I sometimes have to hit the refresh button numerous times to get a page to load correctly. With these speeds you wonder why I can't use the home net to do some productive work! ...

For the record, I can't even logged the management side of this blog site from home so that's why I have to post blogs before my work day begins at work or at lunchtime.

Spoke to a new person in our street last night and found out that they are having issues with their phone - hasn't worked since they moved in! ...I mentioned the broadband issue but I think they are more concerned that the phone line is not working -one thing at a time - didn't look happy that broadband was going to end up been an issue though.

I just wonder how many people in our estate with home business are having issue getting broadband - viable and reliable broadband?

As I said in comments to my last post I'd love another company to come into the estate and give us the broadband access we want but, yes there is a but, I think the developers and the local shire would put red tape on this occurring. Along with the fact they'd have fun getting access to the backhaul to the exchange. Also there is the issue of duplicating an existing network. It's not a easy thing to happen - I've yet to find any evidence that a company has successfully done this. It's been tried.

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