Tuesday, January 29, 2008

52nd application in

51st Application with BP went into HELD status over the weekend and has failed. Spoke to the BP people and got the "exchange has not ports" reason again -hmm it's CMUX/RIM has no ports but they CSRs aren't told the difference.

52nd application in through internode.

As for the wireless or sat idea I'm concerned about latency issues. The Sat company that TM2 suggest had some ping times listed in a whirlpool.net.au thread as around 1700+ms mark. That's damn pretty high!. Wireless I've still got to get my neighbor to do some pings and traces to see how that goes - that said, again latency is a know issue with wireless. Both do have problems with weather - If it's heavy rain you lose connection -been in Victoria that cold be a big issue! ;)

Still waiting for an email response for a wireless company. Got an out of office message.

And the saga enters it's 8 month....

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