You can check this way by using the Telstra Wholesales reports:
1)Go to
2) Open the excel sheet search for your suburb/town and street name then note the "DA Code"
3) Now download the "ADSL Capacity" excel sheet and find your suburb/town and state then look for the DA code -there are lines with more than 1 DA Code.
4) There under "spare services" is how many ports are currently available. If you can't find your street in the first excel then look for the main exchange in your areas "spare services" number.
Since my last post I have reached 44 applications. The lastest is still in HELD with Big Pond (Telstra). I spent time yesterday writing an email to them:
Dear Big pond (please raise this with manager or higher)
For the last 7 months I have been trying to connect an ADSL connection to my new house in Golden Wattle Way, West Melton. This has included 44 applications been submitted of which 4 have been with BigPond. All have been rejected to "no port" on the local CMUX.
I have been offered NextG as an "alternative" to ADSL but cannot accept it as a "viable" alternative to ADSL as it would cost me around $2000 a month! This would be due to the fact my usage requirements would be between 16-20gig a month. NextG does not at this time offer shaping or quotas above 3 gig. so the highest plan is 3 gig at $110 per a month then roughly $150 per a gig after the maths it's close to or over $2000. That said, the NextG does not work will out where I live as other people within the estate who are currently on it have told me -a few can't wait for their contracts to end and are no using it!
The usage I require is due to the fact I work at the University of Melbourne within their IT Desktop Support Services teams and have 2-3 machines at home that use linux and windows for testing and home/office work. On current dial-up speeds which are no where near 56K due to the CMUX/RIM I am on I can not do updates, VPN, or remote desktop work. My PCs are 7 months out of date and are dual boot linux/windows machines..
There is no other options expect ADSL or a shaped wireless service (which there are none) or a wireless service with a descent quota without excess fees (again which there are none). We do not have cable in the estate (passes on co-burns rd just outside the estate) which would have been another option.
I'm wondering how long it will be before I can expect a change to occur where I can obtain ADSL to my home residence?
This now has been going on for 7 months and it has been a most stressful and frustrating time. You have no idea how bad the current dial-up speeds I have been experiencing are - e.g. you can't pay a citylink pass and your bigpond main page takes a good five minutes to load - and that's after a few refresh button hits -using both firefox and IE7.
Please can you fix this ongoing issue for us for once and for all?
I currently have an order in HELD with you with the order number DNxxxxxxxx
Kind Regards
To which I got this unhelpful response:
Thank you for your email, my name is Blake and I appreciate you taking the time to contact us. I understand that you are querying when you may be able to get ADSL.
I appreciate that with your requirements it may be a little frustrating not being able to get ADSL or Cable. I can confirm that while your telephone line is compatible with an ADSL service there is a high demand for ADSL at your exchange, which means that there is not a sufficient number of ports available to suit the number of applications. This is regrettable, however I am unable to advise if or when the exchange will be upgraded.
I hope that you are soon able to take advantage of broadband in your area, and advise that the best method is to submit orders every few months as ports are provided only to people with current orders, and on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Kind regards,
Stats off as the typical cut/paste BP job and then goes into the usually "no ports on local exchange" which it isn't technically correct as it's the local CMUX/RIM that doesn't have ports. TIP: If your on a CMUX/RIM the main exchange ADSL ports do not come into play.
I have since responded but yet to receive a reply to:
Thanks for your reply this afternoon regarding this issue I have been having for the last 7 months.
I know that the problem is the local CMUX/RIM not having enough ports -which has been the case for the last 7 months!! I also understand that there are currently only 48 ports available on that RIM which has a capacity for 94-96 ports in total. The 48 ports where installed with the initial setup of the CMUX in 2004 nothing has been added to the CMUX since then - I find this situation to be frustrating more so since I got told by Big Pond to check back in 6 months - I have done so and the situation has regrettably not changed!
Even more insulting is the fact when I got my phone connected I was assured twice that there would be NO problems with the provision of my ADSL.
Now that there are NO Alternatives that are viable and realistic it stuns me that I will be continuing to wait for the Broadband to appear.
I find that this is having to reapply ever time I get a rejection due to no waiting lists for ports on the CMUX is driving me crazy. Even more so since we have NO idea when or if a port will ever be available to connect my ADSL.
I hope to God this does not take more than 12 months.
I'm in a metro assigned area - God help the Regional areas!!!
At this rate it will take over a year!
I feel for the Big Pond (BP) frontline staff (CRS) who don't seem to be given the right tools to do their job when asking inquiries. That said, there seems to be a few dodge sales reps within their ranks as well - like any company - I have heard and read some horror stories about them.
My other big grip with BP frontline staff is their pushing of Nextg aka the "Alternative/viable solution". It's nothing like an Alternative while we wait for ADSL! it's over priced crap that has high latency and doesn't even work well in certain areas! ...Since I know how much it costs me now I just mention the $2000 a month that it would be for me and they generally get the point but don't go out of their way to help beyond "oh you can't get ADSL at the moment as there are no ports - sorry" ...
Yeah, it's getting to be a right pain! The dial-up at home is sooo bad I can't even keep this blog up to date!
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