Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Application 55 in and possible workaround until ADSL comes

This morning had another Internode application rejected and just reapplied through Big Pond. Had some interesting conversations with a Telstra rep Friday after letting them know I'm working on getting a possible workaround until the ADSL connection comes available. Nothing exciting just the NextG is great; etc until I mentioned the cost of $2000 a month :P Even got the "relocate" to get ADSL line *sigh* yeah right and Telstra are going to pay for my full relocation costs? don't think so. Besides I spent 3 years getting this house built.

So to the workaround:

at the moment going through the costs of setup of this wireless ISP I've been looking to - my neighbor currently has a connection with them (again until ADSL becomes available). The current costs for setup are looking to hit the $500 then it will be $88 a month for 15Gb the one advantage is there is no contract.

The setup costs breakdown so far are:

$163 for a galvanized pole 6 meters high home delivered
$299 setup costs
$88 for the first month
Cabling I can source free

I've still got to get prices on brackets and U blots to attach the pole to the side of my house. This pole will be where the weather proofed boxed modem and antenna (part of setup cost) will go on top.

I haven't factored in getting someone to help me put the pole up and cable the cable from the pole to the computer room -that will be fun :P

I think it will be atleast two pay days away...(about a month)...

more on this in the next posts to come...

That said this is just a workaround until I get an ADSL port as I intent on reapply even when I have this setup.

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