Seesh had 2 orders today already bounce within 50 mins periods of entering the orders... Crazy stuff...
upto no. 78 ...getting closer to the triple figures!!!!
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No port ADSL Nitemare in Melton Victoria Australia: The more than 11 month fight for ADSL continues.
Are you STILL whining over at Whingepool that you cannot get ADSL? You could have gotten broadband nearly 10 months ago if you needed it, but it is very obvious you do not actually need it! So keep trolling over at Whingepool
Yes I'm whining, if you'd like to call it that, It's just me recording the BS I've been going through to obtain an ADSL port.. one port..10 months of running in circles trying to get it ...You'd be whining to I'd imagine..but haven't you got a port now TM32?
No, 10 months ago I still have the options I've got now - NextG or sat at $2100 a month via Telstra (in no way cost effective and the CSRs now don't even bother trying to up sell it to me)...or an unknown wirless ISP that has a website that hasn't been updated in ages. Does give customer confidence does it?
There is no cable, no coverage by optus, iBurst, unwired, and virgin.. So the only possible broadband provider is Telstra but at a cost that's MORE than my monthly morgage ... (I'm sure this is just another repeated answer to another comment you have made here - nothing changed out here over the last nearly 10 months!)
Over at whirlpool I'm actually helping people who are in the same "no ports hell" I'm in -making people aware of the issue is important as people don't see there are issues with port shortages and that finding out about the issue is hard when you move into a new house in a new estate. There is NO forwarning currently, other than applying when you move in, to tell you if there is a problem in the area.
I'm far from trolling - I'm trying to raise awarness of a major broadband infrastructure issue that is steadly growing - go look at how many of the topics in the "Broadband general" forum that you yourself post to are about port issues...
Calling the kettle black there TM32 :P
You couls have gotten this plan
2-way Satellite Activ8me Activ8me Super 8GB $486.95 /mo 2048/512 20 GB Shaped Counted $0
9 months ago if you "needed" broadband, and as it is also for work you would have gotten a tax deduction...
But you do not actually want broadband, preferring just troll over at Whingepool
"2-way Satellite Activ8me Activ8me Super 8GB $486.95 /mo 2048/512 20 GB Shaped Counted $0"
Hmm TM32 that's still pretty damn expensive! ...
And let's not forget satellite has a few draw backs:
1)For applications that require high-speed ping times like Virtual Private Networks or Terminal Services, there is a lag typically of around 600 milliseconds due to the distance needed to travel, some 70,000 kilometres.
2)Weather conditions effect the signal as well.
Considering I'm looking at using VPN and Remote Support applications point one is of concern to me.
Also none of the plans mentioned on the site fall into my budget arrange. This ISP doesn't even show up under a search under the ABG at my address..
btw TEM32 if you look at my thread on whirlpool I'm pretty sure Activ8me was mentioned and I response to the suggestion there...
note: for the record my workplace will not give concessions or rebates to help with any service I choose at home - it's a blanket policy - so the money has got to come out of my pocket!
Who said your work would pay for it? The fact that they will not just indicates you do not actually need it for work...
As to you whining to ACA or TT about Telstra, why not ask other ISP's why they refuse to service your area.... as they could if they wanted to!
"Who said your work would pay for it? The fact that they will not just indicates you do not actually need it for work..." -TM32
Hmm actually since they changed the model they use for teaching here money has been tight. Our departments budget is actually way in the red that all new staff are on contracts...*sigh* My place of employment doesn't have enough money to be spending on staff rebates for the internet... *sigh* And it is for work and for my continued knowledge updating ...seriously ...gawd how many times do I have to say this!
"As to you whining to ACA or TT about Telstra, why not ask other ISP's why they refuse to service your area.... as they could if they wanted to!"
Hmm I'm not whining to ACA or TT where the hell did you get that from? I've been told by other staff members and some people in other forums to look at the option ...All I've said is I'd rather give Telstra a change to fix the issue before going to those tabloid current affairs shows.
Seesh read the posts before you post such rubbish!
Ok, to the idiot thats using tm32 as there userid to stir up trouble here, go and find something else to do.
I've now set the comments to be moderated to stop this issue of someone assuming another persons net userid to post here.
I'll leave the current comments here as I have answered each one in turn.
For the record tm32 here is NOT the tm32 from forums.
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