Monday, March 3, 2008

60th application about gone and more

Well it's Monday again, will be in touch with the "held orders" department at BP after 8:30am to kill off application 60 which is in the normal "contact us" status.

so 61st application is far off ..

I got a letter from the CSR from Big Pond with written offer for NextG as she was trying to get me to join up to will abusing me on the phone Thursday. The thing is the written off is totally different to what was offered on the phone:

from notes in my diary of the phone call:

*offer was nextg with cap of 6 gig instead of the normal 3gig with the first 3 months free
*free external antenna (due to crappy NextG coverage that I mentioned my neighbors had)

The letter (written) offer was:

*"...I confirm my courtesy of wavier of three months service access plus $100 toward an external antenna.."

Now there two completely different offers. I did ask for the phone mention offer in writing hence the letter but didn't except the differences to be that bad.

Now what happens after the 3 months? goes back to $110 for 3 gig plus 15-30cent per a gig after?!?!?!

Certainly think they could have done better... oh and they didn't address the complaint I'd actually raised other than "it was a mistake" over the phone. The letter seems to be referring to a complaint that I made ages and ages ago about something completely different (I think).

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