Friday, April 4, 2008

No.95 awaiting confirmation

...And it will be dead in the water by 9am this morning I bet...

Should only take 5 more working days to get to 100 applications.

Sad but true....

Apparently for the area I live I'm in the stats as the highest number of orders for an individual ... Also I have the highest number of reorders in the state ...*sigh* I don't know if I should be laughing or crying over that :P

I sent an Email to some Telstra Countrywide and other Telstra reps at the start of this week have only heard from one contact about the letter who was a Bcc to the email.

I've had a few people now suggesting to take my story to TT and ACA - Might be a last restort thing to do but I'd like to give them a change to fix this no port hell issue before having to go to one of these tabloid current affairs shows..

So in the end 100 applications is getting more likely each day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Almost at 100 applications there. Wont be too long before you get some media attention and the Telstra PR drones will be rolled out to spread some more disinformation when your story is featured on national tv...

They wont like it, not with how they push nextg as a serious alternative.